Lord Northburgh secretly hopes that you will let him have the surplus Material to build the Imperial cathedral.

Only then will it be available for you and your Population. Don't forget to build a Road connection between the Lumberjack's huts and your Warehouse so that the Goods can be picked up by the Market carts. Securing a supply of Wood is a crucial factor when expanding your Settlement. The essential Building material Objective: Build 2 Lumberjack's huts. The Influence areas of Warehouses and later on Market buildings provide room for the construction of Production buildings. Left-click the Warehouse on the Coast to obtain information on your Stock levels. When you build the Peasant houses you should also provide a Road connection to the Marketplace.įalconstone still has a ways to grow before you can build a Chapel.Īmong Crates and Shelves Objective: Inspect your Warehouse on the Coast of Falconstone. Safe as Houses Objective: Build 3 Peasant houses near your Marketplace.

Houses can only be built in the radius of a Marketplace and require a Road connection to it. The Marketplace is one your most important Public buildings, as it satisfies the People's Need for Company. Left-click to select your Marketplace to obtain information about your Population. The heart of the Settlement Objective: Survey the Marketplace in Falconstone. Important: Constructing the Chapel immediately ends the Chapter, so make sure to delay this until all side quests have been completed. A Road must also connect the Chapel to the Peasant houses.ĭemonstrate to the Emperor and the Church that you are up to your new duties!

To build the Chapel, 90 Peasants must live in your Settlement. Profession of Faith Victory condition: Build a Chapel with at least 8 Peasant houses in its Influence area. He wants to administer your oath of loyalty for the Lands granted you, after which he will provide you some good advice. Left-click to select Lord Northburgh's Flagship off the Coast at Falconstone in order to approach him. The Emperor's Seal bearer Objective: Go aboard Lord Northburgh's Flagship. To start with, he suggests that you provide supplies for your Population. Despite all his worries, Lord Richard Northburgh wants to help you and will give you some good advice while you are expanding your own Settlement. He wants to build a huge Cathedral to entreat God for the Emperor's recovery, and needs your help to do so. Lord Richard Northburgh greets you with a very worried look and reports that the Emperor has been struck down with a mysterious illness.

Who would have thought that of all people, the one person who in Anno Domini 1404 took possession of their Fiefdom, situated in a minor Province of the Empire, would soon be mentioned in the same breath as the greatest heroes of our times." An illusion, as God moves in mysterious ways. Introduction "Everything is so much clearer and obvious in hindsight.