And at the end of Chapter 5, Lex then meets Hephaestus, the God of Smithing, as he gives him the gems to aid his journey.

After fighting his way after four chapters, Circe then revealed to Lex the way to the underworld and Codex told Lex that he can only bring 3 treasures with him. Using Codex's Magic Pen, he zapped Lex into the book and his adventure starts. Then Codex told Lex that he must save Cassandra from the book. Codex then shows a book with a message written by Cassandra asking for help.

It starts as Lex was reading a book until Codex called him. This game has three books Book 1: Oedipus Lex Book 2 : Arabian Knight Book 3: Lexonomicon. It features Lex as he unravels the mystery in the Great Library. Bookworm Adventures is a puzzle game made by PopCap.