The version compatible with WW works of the same way as the penises do, they will not have any effect on the breast of other content just on the nude outfit of the sim during the sex animations. The download includes several version, is up to you decide what version do you prefer, you don't need all of them. Don't convert to another game or software without permission.Don't publish direct links to the download.Don't distribute without authorization.Early Access for Patrons 1+ until the next public realese of WickedWhims.Made and test with the original copy of the game and the patch PC 1.Remember to use only one of the Default sizes, Regular or Medium.Decompress this file with 7-zip and move the content of the folder to My Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods.Delete all the old files of this mod if you have them.Added version compatible with WickedWhims and later versions.

Non-Default version for WickedWhims meshes does not include overlay textures.